get cheeky, get swabbed!

Blood cancers and related diseases can strike anyone, at any age. You, a loved one or someone you know may one day need a stem cell donation.

Only 30% of stem cell patients will find their stem cell match within their immediate family. The remaining 70% will need an unrelated match from someone they may never know and

your ethnicity determines your chances of finding a successful stem cell match.

Caucasians have an 80% chance of finding a match and non-Caucasians have 10% or less.


WHY? Visible minorities and mixed ethnicities are under-represented on Canada’s Stem Cell and Bone Marrow registry – OneMatch – and the best chance for finding an unrelated match is from a donor sharing the same ethnic heritage as the patient.

But not just ethnicity, younger registrants are needed on OneMatch. We encourage all healthy people between 17-50 years-old to register, but younger donors (especially males) under 30 years-old offer better outcomes for post-transplantation.


Registration is simple – just a medical questionnaire and a cheek swab. Also, did you know that IF you are called to be a donor, not all stem cell donations involve surgery?

Don’t delay, register with OneMatch. YOU could be the match to save a life.


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A Journey to Inspire - Gabe's Story

OneMatch Stem Cell & Marrow Network

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